Thursday, August 16, 2012

You Have Defined Success For You. What Now? #87

This blog isn’t about defining success, we’ve written about that before. In a previous posting, I stated that before achieving success, you must know what success is—for you. You are the only person that can define your success. Someone has said, if you can’t define success, how will you know when you achieve it? Therefore, I assume that you have a definition of personal success—what you want to achieve.

This blog deals with what happens once your definition of success is on paper.

To start, you should list all the positive things the success journey provides you. The list should flow from the confidence that your goal is important. In working to achieve your goal, you know you are investing in a personal high priority. 

An additional positive benefit is, of all the goals you could choose, this goal is the goal for you (it matches your interests, talents, skills, etc). To achieve this goal, you will need to focus your activity on accomplishing the goal and not dilute you effort on secondary activities.

A key activity to achieving your goal is to have or develop a positive attitude.

People traveling their road of choice to success know that a positive attitude is the prelude to reaching their destination. Successful people know a passive attitude built on wishing, wanting, or hoping will not provide the infrastructure for achieving personal goals. Ancient Chinese teacher and philosopher Confucius, wisely stated, “The will to win, the desire to succeed, the urge to reach your full potential…these are the keys that will unlock the door to personal excellence.”

People with positive attitudes view themselves as a work in progress. They continually look for activities that bring them closer to their goal; and avoid actions that impede their goal achieving. Every single activity you engage in either brings you closer to or moves you further from your goal. Therefore, evaluate all possibilities and spend time on what matters most.

People with positive attitudes focus on what they want and not what they don’t want. They see the preverbal glass as half-full; if not, full and overflowing? They believe things are good and will get even better. Each time they score, they are juiced to go for another score.

People with a positive attitude bring their “A” game all the time, every time. In any task they undertake, people with a positive attitude do the best they are capable of doing. They aren’t concerned with being great but focus on being the best they can be (“best” being defined as what you believe you can do plus some stretch for the capacity you don’t realize you have).

The result of a positive attitude is knowing that you gave your best. Former UCLA basketball coach John Wooden said it this way, “You experience success when you have the peace of mind that comes from know you have done the best of which you are capable

People with a positive attitude constantly look for ways to improve. Perhaps the most obvious sign of a person with a positive attitude is their enthusiasm for learning. Learning leads to improvement and one of the best ways to learn is to read and learn from the leading experts and authorities in your field of interest. Personal education is not complete with the last formal education class.

In addition to having a positive attitude (will, desire and urge to succeed), I believe the best way to find personal success is to actually look for it. View your strengths, weaknesses, and interest from your goal perspective. Ask yourself: “Do I have or, can I acquire the needed skills or attitude for reaching my goal? Do I have the will, desire and urge to achieve the ultimate outcome? In his book, The Master Key to Riches, Napoleon Hill writes, “The only thing over which you have complete control is your mental attitude.” A positive attitude is necessary to success and you have complete control of your attitude.

Two action steps that help develop a positive attitude: First, accept responsibility for your own success. In doing this, you demonstrate a level of personal accountability and enthusiasm. It shows that you have a winner’s attitude and not a victim mentality. When you accept responsibility you make a statement: “I am a performer!”

Second, accept that you are responsible for your own continuous learning: updating knowledge, skills and improving on personal strengths. By doing this, you will boost our level of performance to a new level and then keep it there.

Being responsible for your own success and your own continuous learning tells everyone that you expect to be successful. Perhaps Brian Tracy was thinking of this when he wrote, “Disciplining yourself to do what you know is right and important, although difficult, is the high road to pride, self-esteem and personal satisfaction.

Three Point Success Summary

SUCCESS THOUGHT: People with a positive attitude have a life-long self-improvement plan that enables them to think beyond the crisis of the day. Their plans emphasize the reading and studying of the writing of experts in their field of interest. Then, they quickly make application of the principles that caused these writers to be successful.

SUCCESS QUOTE: “Desire is the starting point of all achievement, not a hope, not a wish, but a keen pulsating desire which transcends everything.” Napoleon Hill

SUCCESS ACTION: Commit to a life-time of learning and having a positive attitude.

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