Saturday, May 31, 2014

Welcome The Opportunity To Be A Mentor

In my book, Mentor In The Mirror, I write about the desirability of having a mentor or coach to help us get to the next level. At any point in one’s personal and professional career, a mentor or coach would be a welcome boost to the next level.

In reality, this is often an elusive goal.

Some people will find a wise and trusted counselor in a business colleague, a coach, teacher, parent or friend. But many others will not have the luxury of having a mentor—someone to guide, critique, and challenge them to excel.

Few people will find someone willing to take the time and energy to invest in their success. Why don’t you be the exception?

Remember you started somewhere. You had a first day on the job. You had to learn the “ropes.” You made your share of mistakes, bad decisions, acted impulsively, dropped the ball  and looked for someone to blame. Now, let others learn from what you have worked hard to learn. Share your insights and knowledge so they have the opportunity to come easily by what you have labored hard for.

Your role as a mentor makes you a resource for others. Your goal is to instruct, develop, support, and nurture the people you are mentoring.

In my study of personal and professional success, I have learned four mentoring principles. These include: the search for a mentor, the difficulty in finding a mentor, self-mentoring, and becoming a mentor.

Four Key Principles of Mentoring

Principle One:  All of us are seeking someone to help show us the best way to become the person we want to be, whether that is a coach, teacher, or mentor.

Principle Two:  Most of us never find that coach, teacher, or mentor for which we are looking.

Principle Three:  There are things that we do to shape and mold ourselves through our experiences, effectively becoming our own mentor in the mirror.

Principle Four:  We should seek opportunities to become a mentor for someone else, and make the difference that we've been searching for - which is just as likely to enrich our lives as well.
Three Point Success Summary
SUCCESS THOUGHT: You can be a mentor for anyone who wants to make a difference in his or her life, business or profession.

SUCCESS QUOTE: “Lay hold to something that will help you, and then use it to help someone else." –Booker T. Washington

SUCCESS ACTION: Today look for an opportunity to invest in the success of a friend, associate, student or family member. Be a mentor.

BOOK REMINDER—My book, Mentor In The Mirror is available on Amazon, iBooks and Barnes & Noble. Go to my website: for additional information and a review of the book.

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