Friday, October 13, 2017


Everyone should take the ride I made this afternoon. The ride was a 20 journey to my Dr. Appointment. During the trip, I observed people alongside the road (my wife was driving). She drives better than I do.
You learn a lot just observing. People were standing at the city bus pickup stations, others riding bicycles, and others, walking on the sidewalk (a few of these people, looked like they didn’t know where they were going). But what caught my eye and tugged at my heart was the vast number of homeless and dropouts.
You can witness this in almost every city. I felt pain for the individuals and guilt for my country. I saw a pool of potential producers that society has written off.
I saw a man holding a sign, “hungry, please help.” (I wonder if inside this man could there be an entrepreneur if given a chance). I watched a man selling water for a $1.00 (given a chance would this man be a sales manager.) I saw a woman holding a sign, “Hungry, God Bless.” (Could she, given a chance, be a dental hygienist?) Next, a gruff man was sharing his little food with his dog. (Inside this man is there a philanthropist given a chance would help many other people in need even fund a hospital?)
America and American business pay a steep price when we look down on the down-and-outs; when we should be helping them up. There is enormous talent strewn on our sidewalks and roadsides. I wish someone would come up with a way to help avoid this situation and provide help and incentive for improving the currently homeless and dropouts to become contributing citizens.
On my return drive home, I “saw” an entrepreneur, sales manager, dental hygienist, and a philanthropist.
What did you see on your trip home today?

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