Monday, February 12, 2018


At my age people don’t start life over — life has no rewinds, only replays.  When I review my replays, I find much of the past is baggage that I haul around. Some days the bag is extra heavy. I haven’t seen a way to dump the bag or recycle the refuse. When I find a dump fill, other people are there, ahead of me.

People don’t want to know the problem; they want a solution. I have an idea; why not assume an alias? Why not give me a new identity, complete with a new name, new persona, new values, and a new look at life?

After thinking about this, I’ve come up with my new alias, Nevada Nalls. I’ve only been to Nevada twice, and I don’t think I would like to live there. But, I love alliterations, the first name and last name start with the same letter, i.e., Mickey Mantle, Marilyn Monroe, and Red Rider. Therefore, my new initials are NN.
I suppose I should change where I live. Over the years I’ve lived in over fifty places (I’m guessing). I like where I live, and I’ve not thought about moving. The Reservation is where I live (It’s a part of Lakeland, FL) but, you won’t find it on the map. Yes, I’ll keep my house number, cell number, and social security number (The new me still needs the old monthly Social Security check).

The plan for my new persona is not to be disappointed. People let you down so; I’ll expect nothing. One of the dumbest things I do is to want things I don’t need.  In this new life, I’ll be thankful for what I have.

Nevada Nalls is more flexible on issues that don’t go against my core values. For the new look, lose 25 pounds. Avoid ladders, paint brushes, and power tools. Eliminate time spent wondering why people have tattoos, don’t wear socks, or, wear flip-flops to church.

One trait I’ll carry over to my new identity is, I’ll still value time. Once you become an on-time person, you show up early so you won’t be late. I don’t know about you but, if you’re thinking about a new identity, create it. Time is short and as Benjamin Franklin said, “You may delay, but time will not.”

Thursday, January 18, 2018


Even with more than 30,000 new consumer products entering the marketplace each year, over seventy-five percent will fail. While 22,500 of the new products will fail, leading organizations continue to innovate, searching for products that succeed and help the company survive.  Brainstorming is an excellent tool for creating product ideas from a group of engaged participants. Often creative ideas come from people who outwardly look disengaged or shy about speaking. Draw them out. —Wayne Nalls

Wednesday, November 29, 2017


You are a walking advertisement. Professionally promoting yourself is fundamental to success. An easy to remember acronym is A.I.D.A. ATTENTION (be an encourage and attract positive people). INTEREST (demonstrate your interest in other people; lean in). DESIRE (present yourself in a manner, so people want to be around you). ACTION (be known as the person who gets things done).—Wayne Nalls

Wednesday, November 15, 2017


I saved this article for over twenty years. It is a classic—times change but, the selling message remains the same.
Dough Welch, New Your Journal-American Columnist, reports the following story of “the finest business letter” as related to him by a consultant. Thess letters were written by a salesman who had apparently never studied grammar.
Dear Boss:     
I seen this outfit which ain’t never bought a dime’s worth of nothing from us and I sold them a hunert thousend dollars woth of guds. I am now going to Shecawgo.
Two days later a second letter arrived at the home office:
I cum to Shecawgo and sole this outfit here a half millyon.
Both letters were posted on the bulletin board with a note from the company president:
We been spendin to much time here trying to lurn spelin instead of selin. Let’s watch those sails. I want everboddy should read these letters from Gooch who is on the rode doin a grate jov for us, and you should go out and do like he done.
Thinka what this stoopid jerk coulda done if he had went to one of them sails training schools. He is too stoopid to reeleyes its tuff to sell!